Miami Breast Revision

Actual Patient

Breast Revision in Miami

Has any of the following happened to you:

  • Are you feeling ripples from your implant, and are you feeling self-conscious because they can be seen through your skin?
  • Do your breasts feel unusually and uncomfortably hard all of a sudden?
  • Over time, has one of your implants changed position, leaving you with uneven breasts that embarrass you?

If you’ve had problems with your implants, or if you want to change their size or shape, a breast revision surgery is a secondary breast surgery that will address these concerns. Why waste any more time with breasts that make you uncomfortable or upset when you look in the mirror?

Call (561) 270-4867 or click here to book a consultation. The surgeons are available for in-office and online consultations.

BECA Breast Revision – Before & After

BECA-L-Scott-Ennis-MD-60yo 5'6'' 140lbs 34D Left Breast Capsulectomy with Bil Imp Exch to Sientra ModPlus Gel R525 L485

Why Do Some Women Have Breast Revision Surgery?

There are many reasons why a woman would seek to have breast revision surgery after having breast augmentation. Here are the most common reasons.

1. Implant size/type change

If a woman is unhappy with the size of her breasts (often wishing she had gone with bigger or smaller implants) after breast augmentation, or if she wishes that she had chosen a different type of implant (for example, she may not like the feel of saline implants and want the more natural feel that a silicone implant has) or if you just are not happy with your results from a previous breast surgery, then she might consider having breast revision surgery to change the size and/or type of implants.

2. Bottoming out

If, over time, the implants migrate to a low position compared to the breast and/or nipple position, a woman might wish to have breast revision surgery to correct this problem so that the implants are more aesthetically pleasing. Bottoming out can cause the nipples to appear too high on the breast and can even make them play “peek-a-boo” out of the top of the bathing suit. If this is the case, the implants may need to be raised up to re-center the implant behind the nipple which can give much improved fullness at the top of your breast.

In cases where the implants have been placed sub-muscularly, the surgeon may suture the breast pockets so that the implants don’t shift ™. More often some type os reinforcement is needed and often Acellular Dermal Matrix (ADM) ™ such as Alloderm™ , Belladerm™ , or Stratice™. Other options such as the silk product, SERI™, can also be used to help support the weight of the implant.


3. Symmastia

This is a condition that results in the breast implants moving to the midline of the chest, so that there is a “one boob” effect, also known as a “uni-boob”. If the implants migrate to the middle, the skin can lift over the breast bone and elevate up when the breast are pushed together rather than creating cleavage.

This is a very complex problem to correct and you should choose a surgeon with significant experience and expertise in correcting this problem.

4. Capsular contracture

This is a condition where scar tissue forms and hardens around the implants causing the implants to feel hard and can often push them out of place and can even hurt or ache like a tooth ache. The capsule is scar tissue that the body naturally forms around the implants. Ths goal is for the body to form a nice soft scar like the breast or the implant, if the scar tissue get tight, it is called a capsular contracture.

Capsular contracture is a rare, though uncomfortable, complication of breast augmentation and typically occurs in less than 2% of patients if they don’t smoke and the implant is under the muscle.

5. Rippling

When a patient doesn’t have a lot of breast tissue or body fat, or if they have thin skin, ripples that form in the implant may be seen through the skin. The choice of saline implants, or the choice of placement (over the muscle) can contribute to rippling being seen through the skin; breast revision surgery can address these issues by changing the type or placement of the implants.

The two most common ways to correct rippling is to move the implant under the muscle if it is over the muscle or if you have saline, to change them to silicone. If you already have silicone under the muscle, then speak to your surgeon at your consultation about other options to correct rippling.

6. “Double Bubble”

This effect occurs when the implants are in a high position on the chest while the rest of the breast tissue and skin sags off of the implants, creating a visible and unsightly line of separation between the bottom edge of the implant and the bottom edge of the natural breast. 

When an implant “drops”, it should drop forward into the breast, if it drops back behind the fold, it can create a condition known as “Double Bubble”.

This is typically corrected by repositioning the implant in a more forward position and recreating the natural crease or fold of the breast. Speak to one of our BECA surgeons about this repair, we have corrected many of these from around the world.

7. Leaking or ruptured implants

In cases where one or both implants have been damaged), implants can leak or rupture. This is far more common with the older implants placed prior to the 1990’s but can happen with any implant. In these cases, breast revision surgery can be used to remove and replace the damaged implant or implants and replace them with new ones.

This may be an excellent opportunity to to improve upon the appearance of your breast at the same time so talk to your surgeon about any concerns you may have about your breast so that they may be addressed at the same time.

BECA Patient Testimonial

Are You a Candidate for Breast Revision?

If you’re wondering if you need a second breast surgery to fix or alter the results of your previous breast augmentation, we want to meet with you. As the reasons for breast revision surgery can vary from the purely aesthetic to real medical concerns, it is important that you consult with one of our experienced surgeons so that s/he can examine your breasts to check for complications and talk to you about your goals for surgery.

Typically, women who seek breast revision surgery have experienced one or more of the following:

  • Dissatisfaction with the size or feel of their implants
  • Discomfort from hardened breasts, due to capsular contracture
  • Displeasure due to a change in implant appearance or position
  • Implants that are leaking or have been ruptured
  • Or maybe you are just not satisfied with the general appearance of your breast.

An Overview of the Breast Revision Procedure

Breast revision surgery is typically performed as an outpatient procedure and can take anywhere from one to three hours. As there are many conditions that the breast revision process are used to correct, the breast revision surgery is tailored even more than usual to the needs of the patient. These surgeries are truly unique to the individual and their concerns. In cases where the surgery is being used to correct capsular contracture, the procedure (called a “capsulectomy”) involves removing scar tissue around the implant.

In cases where the patient is unhappy with the look or feel of their implants, the surgeon may replace the implants with a different type or size, or may change the placement of the implant (moving it from over to under the chest muscle).

When correcting the “bottoming out” of implants, the implant is raised up and it may be necessary to remove excess skin from the breast crease and the capsule that holds the implant will be tightened to prevent any future migration of the implant. If symmastia is present, it can be corrected by changing the implant position from under to over the chest muscle. In cases where the implants have been placed sub-muscularly, the surgeon may suture the breast pockets so that the implants don’t shift.

More often some type of reinforcement is needed and often Acellular Dermal Matrix (ADM)™ such as Alloderm™ , Belladerm™ , or Stratice™ . Other options such as the silk product, SERI, can also be used to help support the weight of the implant. The “double bubble” effect can be fixed in a number of ways, including exchanging the implants, removing excess breast tissue, adjusting the breast pocket shape or a combination of these approaches.

Recovering from Breast Revision Surgery

Recovery from breast revision surgery is similar to the recovery process after breast augmentation. After breast revision surgery, your breasts will be bandaged for support and to aid in healing. You will need to have someone drive you home after surgery and stay with you for the first 48-72 hours. Any discomfort you experience can be minimized with pain medication that is prescribed by your surgeon. Most patients can return to work within one or two weeks, and can return to exercise after two weeks.

Get Back to Beautiful Breasts with BECA

Are you having issues with the look or feel of your breast implants? Whether you had breast augmentation recently or years ago, remember: you aren’t stuck with the pain and self-consciousness of these problems forever; there are solutions available to you! Schedule a consultation with one of our Miami plastic surgeons, all of whom have perfected breast surgery techniques over the years, as proven by the countless satisfied patients they’ve treated. S/he will be able to answer any questions, give you a thorough breast exam to check for complications and recommend surgery options that will address your specific concerns to ensure that you get the beautiful breasts you envision.

Call (561) 270-4867 or click here to book a consultation. The surgeons are available for in-office and online consultations.

Trust the BECA Breast Specialists for Your Second Breast Surgery

The surgeons of BECA have years of specialized experience in all types of breast surgeries. It is for this reason that women from all over the world trust them to perform their breast augmentation and breast lift surgeries, among other procedures, and are ecstatic with the results. Because our world-class surgeons work with careful precision, always keeping in mind the unique needs and desires of the patient that they are treating, the surgeons are able to minimize the risk associated with these surgeries. For this reason, they are a trusted source for women who need or want a secondary breast procedure to correct or alter the results of their first surgery.