Submit a Patient Review

Our greatest compliment, is a review. Thank you sharing your experience.

Submit a Google Review

People seeking medical treatments rely on the patient community to share their experience. Please share your experience on our Google Business page to help others make a decision about their medical care provider.

  1. Click here to submit a Google Review
  2. Share your experience at BECA Miami
  3. Click post

Submit a YELP Review

Yelp was founded in 2004 to help people find great local businesses like BECA. Click on “Write a Review” and you’ll be led through the steps to finish.

  1. Click here to submit a YELP Review
  2. Share your experience at BECA
  3. Click post

Submit a Facebook Review

You can rate and review BECA on our Facebook Page. To post a review:

  1. Click here to submit a Facebook Review
  2. Go to the Reviews section on the left side of the Page’s Timeline
  3. Click the gray stars to choose a rating and write an optional review
  4. Share your experience at BECA
  5. Click Done

Submit a Dr. Ennis Review

Reviews are an important part of the RealSelf experience — they give you a centralized place to find support before and after surgery, while also documenting your experience for others who are considering their own surgical options.

  1. Click here to submit a Dr. Ennis Review
  2. Share your experience with Dr. Ennis and BECA.
  3. Click post

Submit a Dr. Ennis Survey

The mission of Healthgrades is to help consumers find the right doctor, for the right care. Please share your experience on to help other people make informed healthcare decisions.

  1. Click here to submit a Dr. Ennis Survey
  2. Share your experience with Dr. Ennis at BECA
  3. Click post