Breast Lift in Atlanta
Do you dream of the youthful and perky breasts you once had? Do you remember how fabulous you looked in a bikini or your wedding dress? A breast lift at BECA may be able to turn back the clock on how your breasts once looked and felt. For many women, adding a lift to their breast augmentation procedure is the key to achieving that perky, curvaceous look they so desire.
Call (561) 270-4867 or click here to book a consultation. The surgeons are available for in-office and online consultations.
BECA, Breast Lift Destination
BECA surgeons have transformed the appearance of thousands of women from several continents. Our experienced surgeons are celebrated around the world for their advanced breast surgery skills. No wonder hundreds of women travel from every corner of the globe to have breast lift surgery at BECA each year.
Our breast lift patients include women from all walks of life, from athletes to international supermodels and businesswomen to diplomats, but our most important clients are women just like you — women who have seen their body change through age, genetics or pregnancies. Like you, all of our breast lift patients come to us because they want to look youthful and sexy but also natural. Our patients want to feel good on the inside and out. They want to be able to put on something sexy and feel great in it!
Actual Patient Before and After Photos
To view all actual patient breast lift surgery before and after photos, click here.
Why Get a Breast Lift?
With the passage of time, significant weight fluctuations, pregnancy, breastfeeding, genetic predisposition and other factors can make the breasts less firm and elastic, which causes them to sag. The breasts are designed this way so that when you go through puberty and pregnancies the skin can relax and grow to accommodate the changes that occur in the breast during these times. With time, the breast skin relaxes to the point that the breast loses that perkier, tighter appearance.
At BECA we can reverse this process with breast lift surgery. This transformative procedure allows us to lift the breasts to a higher position and tighten the skin of the breast so that they have a more youthful appearance. The procedure also allows the surgeon to reduce the size of large areolas and properly center the nipples as well as improve any asymmetries that are present in all of us.
How Do You Know if You are a Candidate for Breast Lift?
You may be a good candidate for breast lift if you:
- have sagging breasts due to pregnancies, genetics, weight loss or the effects of aging
- your breasts/nipples have dropped and sit below the breast fold
- simply desire a perkier breast contour and position that sits higher on your chest
- are tired of having to pick your breasts up and put them in a bra or having them fall out of a bathing suit
Lollipops, Donuts, and Anchors: 3 Breast Lift Approaches

Three Types of Breast Lift Incisions
After assessing your breasts and the condition of your skin, we will recommend a custom approach that fits your specific needs and surgical goals. We will likely suggest one of the following surgical approaches depending on the shape, size and position of your breast:
- 1. “Donut-shaped” incision approach. This method involves an incision along the outer circumference of the areola. The donut-shaped approach is optimal for patients who really just want to have the areola size reduced.
- 2. “Lollipop” incision approach. This method involves a donut-shaped incision around the areola along with a vertical incision extending down the front of the breast. It allows for repositioning of the nipple to a higher level and works best in a woman that does not have too much excess skin or droop.
- 3. “Anchor” incision approach. This method is most suitable for women with significant breast ptosis or droop who need to have their nipples repositioned to a higher level and/or areolas reduced. The anchor approach requires the donut-shaped incision, a vertical incision down the front of the breast as well as an incision that runs horizontally under the natural breast crease. Although this approach has a larger scar, it allows for the greatest amount of correction and greatest amount of skin removal.
Note: at BECA we may recommend that you have breast implants placed if you feel that your breasts look deflated or smaller than they were before you had children or lost a significant amount of weight. The benefit of adding an implant to your lift is more fullness at the top. In short, a breast lift with implants is full at the top, while a breast lift without implants is not.
BECA Patient Testimonial
Will You Need A Breast Lift Along With Your Breast Augmentation? Here’s an Easy Way to Tell.
Standing in front of a mirror, look at your nipples in relation to the natural crease of your breasts. If your nipples are lower than your breast crease before surgery, adding implants without removing excess skin may make them saggier. (Sad, but true.) A combination of breast lift with implants is a great way to achieve the desirable push-up bra look — both a fuller and perkier breast.
So What’s the Downside?
Everything we do in plastic surgery is a tradeoff. You have to weigh the benefit of the procedure versus the scar. With a breast lift, women do not seem to mind the scar because they have a perkier, more youthful breast that sits higher on the chest — and because they do not have to worry about picking up their breasts to put them in a bra, or their breasts falling out of a bathing suit.
In fact, with breast lift, if you take your bra off, they tend to stay up there!
Keep in mind that when you are looking at photos on the Internet, the pictures are typically taken at three months after surgery. All scars will get pinker and pinker for about three months and then begin to fade. This is the natural healing process of a scar. It takes a year for a scar to fade away, and at that point it is typically very acceptable considering the significant improvement that is achieved with a breast lift!
The BECA Breast Lift Consultation
Your breast lift consultation will include:
- An in-depth consult with a board certified plastic surgeon where you can discuss the details of our breast lift surgery
- The latest breast implant options for a more youthful, fuller, perkier breast
- A demonstration of before and after photos of women similar to you who have given us permission to show you their photographs
- The privacy and safety of a fully accredited, on-site surgical facility. We have never and will never compromise safety to save money or cut corners. Everything is done just as if we ourselves or our family members were having surgery here today!
- Only board certified (and board eligible) surgeons
- Incredible support throughout your plastic surgery experience
- Access to our highly trained staff, who will educate you and answer all of your questions both before and after the procedure
- Lifetime follow up
What’s the Recovery Like? How Much Time Do I Need to Take Off from Work?
Helping our patients manage a speedy recovery is one of our primary objectives at BECA.
After surgery you will be sent home in a soft bra, and you will return the next day for a checkup. Most patients are up and about the day after the procedure but we recommend resting and avoiding lifting anything more than about 10lbs. Most people are off the pain medication in one week and just occasionally take ibuprofen or naproxen for any residual discomfort.
Approximately two weeks after surgery, we will start you on a scar management program to help your scars fade quicker. Remember, it takes a full year for a scar to fade. The photos seen on our website are typically taken about three months after surgery when the scars are at their worst or most pink in the healing phase. These should fade to a faint scar over the course of a year. Depending on your skin type and history of scarring, we have different programs to help manage your scars in an effort to achieve the best possible result.
We will also want to see you back several times again over the subsequent 2-3 months to ensure you are healing optimally.
Most women are able to return to normal activities in 7 to 10 days and usually need no more than a week off from work.
Please note that smoking and plastic surgery do not go well together at all! This is especially true when skin is being moved around, such as in face lifts, tummy tucks or breast lifts. Smoking anything can create major issues in healing and can severely compromise your results. You must be completely nicotine and smoke free for a minimum of four weeks — the longer the better! We want you to have the best result possible, and smoking is an absolute contraindication to plastic surgery!
Cost and Financing for the BECA Breast Lift
We offer competitive pricing with an amazing outcome and experience, value and follow-up care all while never compromising safety! At BECA we want you to feel confident in your investment. Breast lift surgery starts around $5,000 but can go up to $8,000 if you combine the procedure with silicone implants. We also offer several financing options.
Is It Time to Go Bikini Shopping?
Thanks to procedures like breast lift, BECA has helped thousands of women achieve the rejuvenated look they desire. Imagine heads turning as you stroll the beaches of South Florida, Southern California or the French Riviera — or just feeling sexy at home by the pool. If this sounds appealing, schedule a one-on-one consultation with one of the BECA plastic surgeons and learn more about how a breast lift surgery can instill new self-confidence. Call (561) 270-4867 or click here to book a consultation. The surgeons are available for in-office and online consultations.
More Breast Lift FAQs
Still Got Questions? Here are some more answers.
Is it OK to get a breast lift if I do not have children yet?
Yes, it is not about when you need a breast lift but if you need one. The hormones during puberty and pregnancy are designed to make the skin of the breast relax so that your breast can grow during these times of change. Large weight fluctuations can also cause the breast skin to be stretched. Some women will benefit from a breast lift even before children to help tighten and lift the skin of the breast.
If you are actively trying to get pregnant or if you anticipate getting pregnant in the near future, it would be better to wait on the lift. Otherwise have it done and enjoy the results!
Is it OK to do house chores two weeks after a breast lift?
Yes, most women are back doing desk work or office work in 5-7 days and back to more active jobs such as cutting hair or bartending in 10-14 days.
Simple house chores and caring for kids can be done rather quickly as long as you are not doing any lifting of significance. Most patients are off of the pain medication in 5-7 days and driving once they are off of pain medication and comfortable. Make sure you have someone to stay with you for the first 48- 72 hours as it will make the first several days of your recovery much easier.
Can I combine a breast lift with a tummy tuck in one operation?
Yes, these are two of the most commonly combined procedures. Almost every woman that has ever had children has residual problems with their breast, tummy and back. A breast augmentation and or lift along with a tummy tuck and liposuction of the back or hips are very commonly combined and often referred to as the “Mommy Makeover.”
What results can I expect with a breast lift?
Think of the skin of your breast as the “container” and the breast tissue as the “volume.” If you want your breast fuller and are happy with the shape of them, then an implant will be fine. Keep in mind that an implant will only “fill your breast up”; it will not “lift them up.” They will look just like they do now; with an implant only, they simply appear bigger and fuller. If you feel this will meet your goals, then an augmentation alone without a lift should be fine.
If you are unhappy with the position of your breasts and feel they are too low, then an implant will likely not satisfy you and you will want to consider the lift. A lift will “lift them up” and put them in a higher position, change the size of the areola and “lift” them off of your chest.
Often times these procedures are combined to achieve an optimal result. By lifting them and adding volume, the breasts will not only sit higher on your chest but will also have the nice fullness from the implants.
Keep in mind that every woman’s breasts are attached in different places. Some women’s breasts sit far apart, some sit close together, some sit high and some sit low on the chest. The actual position of your breast on your chest will affect whether or not you need a lift or implants or both. Your surgeon will discuss this with you. Remember, what is right for your friend or sister may not be right for you!
Why do some surgeons recommend implants with a lift?
Adding an implant to a lift will provide fullness at the top. A breast with an implant is full at the top. A breast without an implant is not. Even if you do a lift, they will not have the nice youthful fullness at the top without an implant.
How long do the results last?
There are several things that will cause the breast skin to relax or become droopy — particularly puberty, pregnancy, and large changes in weight.
When can I get back to my exercise routine?
We will see you back in the office the next day and want you up and about walking that day. Lying in bed will only make you stiff and sorer. You should be able to raise your arms above your head the very next day. The more you move your arms, the better you will feel. The first week you should be out of bed and walking. Anticipate being out of the house in several days. With implants only, most women are back in the gym on an elliptical machine and doing light weights the second week. Running by two weeks.
If you are having both a lift and augmentation, anticipate two weeks out of the gym. During that time, we want you to stay active and moving but not lifting. You should be able to be back in the gym after two weeks doing light arm exercises, but it’s important that you get clearance from your surgeon and/or the nurses to make sure your breasts are healing well before returning to lifting. Walking on a treadmill or elliptical machine can usually be resumed after one week.
Can I breast feed after breast lift surgery?
Often times yes, but this will depend on how your surgeon does your lift. Your surgery will be tailored to your specific breast and breast shape and how much excess skin you have. Ask your surgeon this question as it will vary from person to person.
Can I get breast lift with silicone implants done in one operation?
Yes, often times lifts and implants (saline or silicone) can be done together with a lift. There are many individual variables that will affect this decision. The amount of breast tissue you have, the size of the implant you want as well as the amount of droop you have will all affect the feasibility of combining these procedures. Tell your surgeon about your goals and discuss the option of combining these procedures in your particular case.
Remember that smoking is an absolute contraindication to performing face lifts, breast lifts and tummy tucks!
Are the surgeons at BECA board certified?
All of the surgeons at BECA are board certified or board eligible. Our surgeons are among the best in the world. They have been brought together in one company to offer an amazing amount of talent, artistry and skill in an effort to achieve the very best result for you!
OK, are you ready now?
Call (561) 270-4867 or click here to book a consultation. The surgeons are available for in-office and online consultations.