Breast Implant Revision in Atlanta
Have you noticed a ripple or dimple in one of your implants? Are you concerned that one of your implants has ruptured? Is one of your nipples so high that it is poking out the top of your bikini? Have they lost that soft natural feel and become hard? Have they become uneven?
If so, you may have an issue with your implant. Though rare, some patients — particularly patients who underwent breast augmentation outside the United States or who have implants on top of the muscle — require a second procedure to reposition or replace their original implant.
The surgeons of BECA have years of experience performing breast implant revisions (breast implant replacement). The surgeon will talk to you about how to restore the shape of your breasts and improve on those asymmetries and other concerns so you can feel confident hitting the beach.
Call (561) 270-4867 or click here to book a consultation. The surgeons are available for in-office and online consultations.
BECA Breast Revision – Before & After
Why Have Breast Revision Surgery?
If you suspect you are experiencing an issue with one or both of your implants, the good news is that you can likely fix the problem and be back on the beach in no time, thanks to the advanced breast revision skills of BECA Centers’ surgeons.
The most common issues women face following breast augmentation and reconstruction are capsular contracture and rippling. Another issue called bottoming out, or “double bubble,” occurs less frequently.
Capsular Contracture
Capsular contracture is a formation of scar tissue around the implant. When the scar tissue thickens it can cause the implant to feel very hard. The implant itself is still soft but the scar tissue’s squeezing of the implant makes it feel hard. It is much like the pearl in an oyster. If an oyster gets sand in it, the oyster’s body will form a scar around it. Sometimes our body feels the need to protect itself from the implant and will begin building up scar tissue around the implant. This is no fault of yours or the surgeons. It is just your body’s reaction to the implant. Low-grade infections and bleeding around the implant are the more common triggers that cause the body to form this thick scar tissue.
There are many things our surgeons will do to help minimize this risk of capsular contracture, and our expert staff will teach you the appropriate massage techniques to help minimize this risk after surgery. In general we expect a less than 2% risk of capsular contracture when the implant is under the muscle in a non-smoker. Unfortunately, smokers do have a much higher risk of capsular contract so it is very important to minimize or, preferably, quit smoking around the time of your surgery!
If you can easily feel an implant under the skin, you may be experiencing what is referred to as rippling. There are many options to help minimize the risk of rippling. Correcting this may require replacement of the implant using the sub muscular approach.
Also, if you have saline breast implants and very little breast tissue, we will most likely recommend that you change to silicone implants. If your implants are on top of the muscle, we will likely recommend they be moved to under the muscle. If you have saline implants on top of the muscle, the best option may be to switch to silicone cohesive gel implants under the muscle. Your surgeon will discuss the options with you in detail at your appointment.
If you have noticed that your nipple is too high and pokes out of the top of your bikini, the implant may be sitting too low and you may have a condition known as bottoming out. Bottoming out can be corrected with a small incision below the breast, with sutures placed along the underside of the breast. This tightens the fold, raising the implant, and centers the nipple in the appropriate position over the implant. In more complex cases or recurrent cases of bottoming out, a sling made of tissue or silk may need to be placed under the implant to help support it.
BECA: The Top Breast Revision Center for International Patients
Rarely, surgery is necessary to revise the results of a previous breast surgery. BECA Centers are proud to be one of the top international destinations for breast implant replacement surgery. The surgeons of BECA Centers often evaluate and treat breast revision patients referred by other physicians in Florida, Georgia and California as well as patients from other areas of the U.S., South America and other international locales.
BECA Centers are dedicated to helping you understand what is causing your concerns so we can better discuss your options. Contact us today and see why so many women in Florida and around the world trust us to perform their breast revision surgeries.
BECA Patient Testimonial
Get Started Today!
The expert surgeons of BECA Centers are known for their expertise in both simple and complex breast revisions. They treat patients from all over Florida and around the world. Many women travel from South America, Europe and Asia to benefit from their unsurpassed care and service. To learn more, call (561) 270-4867 or click here to book a consultation. The surgeons are available for in-office and online consultations.